A second great customer experience with Lance and Cecilia. We had Lance do an install of Stage 1 RoamRig lithium system in April of 2023. The setup process with Cecilia was awesome. I value quality communication in customer service and as a team Lance and Ceclia met that mark and went beyond in the lead up to the install. When an issue with one of the components came up during the install, Lance quick-turned a replacement and made sure our system was 100% ready to go before sending us off. During the install he also found a few issues with the Winnebago build on our Revel that were unrelated to the electrical system, and shored those up as well. Fast forward to now when we were on an extended So Cal trip. Our 1.5 year old inverter decided to check out. We reached out to RoamRig and started a troubleshooting conversation. We realized we were only a 4 hr drive from Las Vegas, so decided to see if Lance might be in town and have an opening to work on the problem. Cecilia answered our call while on her own vacation and got us connected with Lance who was still in Las Vegas. Luck was on our side and Lance had time to troubleshoot/fix our issue. Working with RoamRig, he was able to replace our inverter and get us back on the road on a two day turn including working with RoamRig to overnight a new inverter to Vegas. It was also a great opportunity to pick Lance's brain about Revel electrical issues now that we've had our RoamRig system for a year and a half and needed to learn a bit more about it. Luck played a part in this, with Lance being in town, but he and Cecilia capitalized on this luck to figure out the problem and work with RoamRig to put us back on the road. We thought the trip was over, but not with NomadLink coming to the rescue. Thanks!